Helping the early childhood field achieve financial sustainability and strong child outcomes through Shared Services.

2024 National
Shared Services
Presented by Opportunities Exchange
It’s a Wrap!
Check out the PowerPoints + Pix Here.

New and Newsworthy from OppEx.
Collecting Data on Child Care Supply in Real Time: A New Approach to Data Collection
By Louise Stoney, Adam Lucas and Mia Pritts, Opportunities
Exchange | January, 2025
Currently available data on child care supply is often a few years old and does not count vacancies in all ECE sites, nor can it be accurately sorted by age of child or length of day or location or price. This brief summarizes ground-breaking work to address these challenges via an industry data standard for tracking child care supply that can be scaled across all ECE settings—regardless of who funds or regulates the program.
The Urgency of Digital Transformation: A Framework for Transforming State IT Systems
By Kelly Pope, Opportunities Exchange | December, 2024
This brief outlines a framework for state agencies to modernize their technology systems, which are often outdated and struggling to keep up with current demands. It emphasizes the urgency of this transformation, highlighting the risks of delaying upgrades, including security vulnerabilities, inefficiencies and poor user experiences.
Connecting Automation to Action:
Leveraging CCMS with Targeted Business Coaching
By Johanna Borden and Amy Friedlander, Opportunities Exchange | December, 2024
Business coaching that aligns with Child Care Management Software (CCMS) can be a game-changer for child care providers. This issue brief outlines how organizations can tackle this work with intention and partner effectively with providers to realize critical goals such as time savings on administrative tasks, increased revenue, improved cash flow and more.
Right Sizing Child Care Regulation:
Crafting Standards That Encourage Supply and Protect Children
By Megan Irwin, Opportunities Exchange | November, 2024
This issue brief poses provocative questions and explores steps that can be taken to streamline regulation and make room for the innovations we need to build a child care system that works in a new economy.

Explore. Learn. Connect.
Opportunities Exchange has curated multiple resources made available on this website. The OppEx team believes that we learn from one another’s experience and so we practice an “open source” approach, sharing resources to help us build on one another’s learning.
Community Partners
Opportunities Exchange works with stakeholders across the U.S., on a variety of projects from building local alliances to developing supportive state and federal policies. See our list of clients here.
National + Local Alliances
Want to know if anyone else is working on a topic of interest to you? Visit our interactive map to connect with Shared Service projects all across the country.
Staffed Family Child Care Network Implementation Guide
How do Staffed Family Child Care Networks support a robust home-based child care sector? What services should Networks consider offering? What does success look like? All this and more in our new “start-up manuals”.
Shared Services Alliance
Implementation Guide
I want to start a Shared Service Alliance but where do I begin? What do I need to know and what have others learned from their work in this sphere? Check out the “new and improved” Shared Service Alliance Start up Toolkit.
Multi-Site Agencies
Reorganization Guide
Many large multi-site agencies still operate like a group of individual programs—with each director doing marketing, enrollment, billing, collections, etc. STOP. Take a look at how your organization can improve both QUALITY and SUSTAINABILITY by re-organizing with a Shared Services framework.